City of Dunkirk Hero Banner Program
The Hero Banner Program is designed to pay tribute to the contributions and sacrifices of Dunkirk City Veterans who served as far back as the Revolutionary War and up to the most recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Key Information
Do you have a family member that has been in the military or is, and you would like to establish a memory? It is important that the veteran was a resident of the City of Dunkirk when served, or currently serving and is a resident. Consider purchasing a banner that will display their picture, the branch served or serving, the era of service, and his or her name. This banner will be displayed in the city of Dunkirk on street lights. Each will be 24″ x 48″ and will be printed on both sides of heavy vinyl with UV protection.
Simply complete the application and submit, don’t forget to upload a picture.
Cannot find a picture of your family hero? Try calling the Dunkirk Historical Society at 716-366-2882. Just leave a message, and the Dunkirk Historian will get back to you. There are pictures from WWII that appeared in the Dunkirk Observer in 1945.
Having trouble uploading a picture? The Dunkirk Public Library will assist you with your application and digital scanning, then send it to [email protected]. Call the library and make an appointment with Michelle at 716-366-2511.
More Details To Know
Please know that this program has been approved by the previous Mayor Rosas and the current Mayor Wdowiasz and the administration, along with the Council. It is also supported by the Dunkirk Public Library.
Kindly know that this is a community service project that is non-political and non-partisan. There is a charge of $200.00, and this is the charge for the banner, the bracket, and a small sum toward a contingency fund for damaged or special banners, insurance and the post office box. Please send your check to Dunkirk Post Office, Hero Banner Program, PO Box 52, Dunkirk, NY 14048.
Please know that this is not a business but a service; we are a registered club.
Any extra money made will strictly be saved to replace damaged banners, make a donation to the Dunkirk Public Library for their help with the program, or create a special banner such as those KIA in the Vietnam War, which were displayed last summer and will be ongoing. Any efforts on behalf of the committee are purely voluntary.
There is a limit this year of 2025, and we will only be accepting 20 more banners. Next year we will be asking patrons of 2023 if they wish to have their banners personally; this will open up spots for the year 2026.
No worries! Kindly know that anyone who wishes to purchase a banner will be able to.
Thank you for your patience!
Complete the application and attach a picture. Please remember to print the name of the hero on the check, make the check payable to the City of Dunkirk Hero Banner Program in the amount of $200.00, and send it to Dunkirk Post Office, City of Dunkirk Hero Banner Program, PO Box 52, Dunkirk, NY 14048. Thank you!
"A special thanks to 2024 veteran volunteers Luis J. Cruz "Gweege" and Jim Pawlowski, along with Diane Anson, Cody Britton and Councilwoman Natalie Luczkowiak."
Thanks to Our 2025 Donors thus far!
~~~Please know that, for legal purposes, we must let you know that your participation in this program is voluntary. Sponsors, including donors, are not guaranteeing or representing that this program is more than a community-based effort to honor Dunkirk City Veterans with publicly displayed banners. We are using information, including knowledge and photographs you provide, and by providing, you are giving the sponsors, including the donors, the right to use the information and photographs to implement the program.~~~